While it's key to successful galactic hitchhiking, it's also a really useful item to carry with you especially the quick drying microfibre type.…Read more
Take off your shoes and hats before entering. There will almost always be a sign outside of the temple pointing visitors to the designated area…Read more
Take off shoes in some churches. In Ethiopia, for instance, visitors are expected to take their shoes off. In American churches, though, that's not…Read more
Take off your shoes before entering. There will almost always be a sign outside of the temple pointing visitors to the designated area for…Read more
Wear a yarmulke if you're a man. Even young boys should cover their heads with this small, circular cap. Yarmulkes to borrow are usually…Read more
While queueing at airports or waiting for buses etc. always keep a hand on your luggage or were you have a few bags keep your foot on the handle or…Read more
We all like to dress up or wear comfortable and often cooling clothes (who wants to wear long sleeves in humid 40deg heat?) but it's extremely rude…Read more
Ensure your prescription medications are properly labelled and ideally have a photocopy of the prescription or doctors letter to backup the reason…Read more
Take off your shoes, hats and sunglasses. There will usually be a rack for shoes outside of the entrance to the mosque. In addition to removing…Read more
Leave photocopies of your travel itinerary, travel documents, any credit cards you're taking and your passport with family or friends so you can be…Read more
Cut meal costs in most cities by eating at one of the many restaurants in a dept store. They're not exactly a gourmet dining experience but can…Read more
It may not be the most glamorous aspect of your planned adventure, but taking care of what you're leaving behind will help get you in the right…Read more