Meet, Greet n Eat at the Grosvenor Hotel
Perth (Ex 1) Western Australia - Sat 12th July 2014

Max Participants:
Perth (Ex 1) Western Australia
Sat 12th July 2014
Start Time:
3-4 hours
Non-Member Cost:
Member Cost:

Grosvenor Hotel Food

After the success of our last Meet n Greet at the Grosvenor Hotel (Great Venue), we've decided we should go back there again for our next one!

To change things up a little though, I've made it a Saturday Eve at 7pm and will book a table/s in the lounge area (or the private area in the lounge depending on numbers).

You can either eat before you come or select something to eat from their extensive menu.

Hope to see as many newbies come along as possible, as it's a great venue to have a chat ....yep you can hear :)

There will be something orange (balloon, streamers, cap etc) on the tables, so you know where to to find us!

PAYG = Pay As You Go

If you're coming along, please ring Sue on 1300 388 419 or email


Please note map locations and route are approximate only

No Princess Policy

Princess crossed out This tour by it's very nature is not designed for the 5 Star Traveller. It is for the girl who has an 'adventurous spirit' and is looking for a unique and rewarding experience (Once in a Lifetime)! You should be able to adopt a "Go With The Flow" attitude, after-all we are in a foreign country and things don't always go to plan...this will help you chill out and therefore get the best out of your holiday. You will also need to be mobile without assistance - some of the sights require you to be on your feet, navigating steps and uneven surfaces at times. We also have a couple of walks as part of this tour - these walks can be achieved by anyone with a general level of fitness, but again mobility is the key, as with all of our tours.

Cancellation & Refunds

Domestic Travel

Notice of cancellation must be in writing, with an email as an acceptable form of communication, directly to Adventurous Women with the following conditions:

  • 60 days plus prior to trip departure - Loss of deposit
  • 59 - 30 days prior to trip departure - 50% Of The Tour Cost
  • 29 - 15 days prior to trip departure - 75% Of The Tour Cost
  • Within 14 days of the trip departure - 100% Of The Tour Cost

Overseas Travel

Each of our Tour Operators/Service Providers have their own booking conditions & cancellation policy over and above those of Adventurous Women's booking conditions, please ensure you request them and read them carefully.
Adventurous Women's Cancellation Policy can be viewed at the bottom of this website under the heading 'Cancellation Policy'. Please ensure you read it carefully, as by paying your deposit, you acknowledge that you accept this cancellation policy, over and above that of our Service Providers.

  • Cancellation of More than 70 days - Loss of Deposit
  • Between 69 and 31 days - Loss of 50% Of The Tour Cost
  • 30 days or less - Loss of 100% Of The Tour Cost

No refund is available after departure of a tour has commenced.