Join our AW Guides for an interpretive walking experience to gain a historical insight of the areas we've chosen and how these trails were used in the past.
The Spectacles is a special place within the Beeliar Regional Park comprising 360 hectares of natural bush and wetland. The park is made up of a chain of wetlands, freshwater lakes and bushland providing habitat for wildlife. The Spectacles is named because it comprises two wetlands joined by a waterway, giving it the appearance of a pair of glasses.
We begin our walk on the spectacular Biara Boardwalk which takes us 250 meters out over the lake to the Biara Lookout and bird hide. We pass through n eerie stand of paperbarks, their gnarly limbs stretching high into the air.
Then head off on the Aboriginal Heritage Trail circumnavigating the lake passing through stands of paperbarks, flooded gums and bracken fern. Interpretative signs give us an insight to the animals, plants and lifestyle of its original inhabitants. Once we have circled the Lake we head off for a lovely 3km wander along the Banksia Walk through Sheoak, Banksia and Grass trees galore. From late summer through to winter the Banksia’s provide a glorious ‘spectacle’.
people. Once we circle the lake we head up to Mount Brown to obtain 360 degree views to Cockburn Sound and surrounding areas inland.
Trail Information:
Terrain / Difficulty: Easy relatively flat walk
Distance: 14km in total
Style: Interpretive Walk
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