Client Feedback

1797 Real comments from our guests

11/02/2022 Sue

I always feel so reenergised after a day like yesterday. As usual wonderful women, organisation, food and fun.

06/02/2022 Jan B

What a blissful day of paddling - the weather was perfect; the setting spectacular; and of course, so much fun with all the AW women!

06/02/2022 Natasha H

I always feel so reenergised after a day like yesterday. As usual wonderful women, organisation, food and fun.

06/02/2022 Jan B

I always feel so reenergised after a day like yesterday. As usual wonderful women, organisation, food and fun.

06/02/2022 Jan B

Such a great day out!! Lots of fresh air, birdlife, food and banter! Always a great time with AW :)

06/02/2022 Samantha

Very cruisy paddle, great location.

06/02/2022 Vicki Barry

Loved the evening. A great bunch of friendly and supportive women. I went on my own not knowing anyone. The hosts were very accommodating, hospitable, friendly and welcoming. I was very impressed that they actually carried real glass champagne flutes and bottles of champs in their backpacks for us all to enjoy. Snacks also, it was really quite the treat. Definitely looking forward to more adventures 😍

04/02/2022 Julz

30/01/2022 ingrid

Excellent walk in nature and swim was so refreshing. Thanks for the delicious morning tea

30/01/2022 Tania V

Great experience on an iconic trek , can do attitude of a group of women.

16/01/2022 Karen B

Even though it was 40+ degrees, the visit to the Old Mill was very interesting, especially learning about the role of William Shenton (namesake of Shenton Park) and how the area below the Narrows Bridge has changed. Brad's food was delicious and Leonie from Water Wanderers, was a fantastic guide. With an amazing Perth City backdrop, a welcomed breeze, and Leonie's guidance, everyone managed to dodge the ferries and even raft together for a photo opp. It was a great way to spend the afternoon and a great addition to the AW calendar.

23/01/2022 Lyndall G

23/01/2022 Julie

What a great fun day!

The weather was very hot & there was no better place to be than on the beautiful Moore River. Captain Phil Cook was very informative as we made our way upstream. SUP Tonic were there if anyone needed help as they guided us the 6km on our SUPs. The waterslide was heaps of fun & several people had a few turns. A big burger for lunch was much needed sustenance to finish a fabulous day out. Would love to do this again.

22/01/2022 Kerry E

What a great fun day!

The weather was very hot & there was no better place to be than on the beautiful Moore River. Captain Phil Cook was very informative as we made our way upstream. SUP Tonic were there if anyone needed help as they guided us the 6km on our SUPs. The waterslide was heaps of fun & several people had a few turns. A big burger for lunch was much needed sustenance to finish a fabulous day out. Would love to do this again.

22/01/2022 Kerry E

A lovely walk combing bush and beach

21/01/2022 Di Harvey

What a great night. Who knew when we booked that it would be a 40 degree day. And this was the best place to be on such a warm evening…. Then after looking at a few venues for dinner, the one that was chosen had a distinct Bali vibe, with the humidity and heat and cocktails we felt like we were on holidays. (In a state that is not allowed to holiday 😂😂😂)

21/01/2022 Kay W

What a great night. Who knew when we booked that it would be a 40 degree day. And this was the best place to be on such a warm evening…. Then after looking at a few venues for dinner, the one that was chosen had a distinct Bali vibe, with the humidity and heat and cocktails we felt like we were on holidays. (In a state that is not allowed to holiday 😂😂😂)

21/01/2022 Kay W

A very enjoyable walk and social evening!

21/01/2022 Sharon T

I really enjoyed my first experience of SUPing. Being only OK fit I was worried if I'd have the stamina, even for a 1.5 period. I found it worked out all the balancing muscles but wasn't overly taxing. I could have continues for a bit longer too. It was fun!

Good morning tea with tasty savoury options. A friendly group and helpful instructors.

15/01/2022 Barb

A wonderful trip with some fabulous women.

10/01/2022 Lara

This was my third attempt in the lasf 2 years to reach the Snowy Mts National Park and I was not disappointed when I finally made it with AW. Deb and Mon were great guides and legends, taking the daily challenges which sometimes confronted them in their stride. Overall, a memorable walking tour indeed with a great bunch of women.

10/01/2022 Jenn B

Great walk with a great guide.

09/01/2022 Julie Johnson

Lovely walk at a good pace with time to look at the bush and views.

09/01/2022 Linda Lyon

I'm so glad I signed up for this. Received such great tips from Chris and the gang.

08/01/2022 Alison R

stunning morning walk lead by Chris Burt. Her local knowledge combined with appreciation of a ora rifle morning walk was the perfect way to start a weekend.

08/01/2022 Wendy O

Magical sunset walk with bubbles & gourmet treats & a great bunch of girls - the perfect start to 2022!

01/01/2022 Juliet C

This walk was such a delight. After raining most of the day, it stopped just as we made our ascent. The clouds parted and the sunset was magnificent. It was such an auspicious way to start the new year. The champagne and the pack of goodies provided was very yummy. The descent in the dusk and dark was amazing as well. Im a convert for sunset walks and will look forward to sunrise one now.

01/01/2022 Karen H

Lovely way to finish weekend and the year with AW 🧡🧡🧡

12/12/2021 Kylie R

Relaxing? Meander???? Say no more!

10/12/2021 Cheyenne Martin

First time in 36 years that I only had to think about me. Everything was done and organised. All I had to do was turn up on time. What a fabulous group of women who cared for and supported each other. Sue O was an energiser bunny.

24/11/2021 VF

Was well organized. Excellent guides in every way. Great food.

04/12/2021 Carolyn D

An educational and enjoyable experience. The guides were knowledgeable about the history of the area and some of the indigenous culture and were more than willing to answer any questions. I particularity enjoyed sampling some of the bush tucker, and that local products were used where possible. Lots of fresh foods offered which made delicious camping food.😊😊

04/12/2021 Judy N

It was a great weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and would happily recommend it to others. The guides were great and everything went really well. The location was amazing too.

04/12/2021 Janey D

An absolutely brilliant overnight trip! A lovely group of women and we all had fun. Our guides were very knowledgeable and kept us entertained the whole time. Would highly recommend as a first time kayaker.

04/12/2021 Karen S

What a great weekend paddling the Coorong with an amazing group of women - had a ball!

04/12/2021 Kathryn

Great experience for a novice or experienced kayaker. Fabulous scenery and ever changing colours on the Coorong.

Plenty of fresh healthy food. Lots of laughs, chat and learning. Sharing the space with wildlife and birds.

04/12/2021 Lesley J

I thoroughly enjoyed the hike with an amazing group of women.

12/09/2021 Erika R

It was an amazing day snorkelling with a brilliant group of women.

27/11/2021 Erika R

What a fabulous experience with a great bunch of gals! Had quite a few laughs and Yvonne's spread after we came back from our water bicycling was outstanding! Highly recommended if the opportunity presents itself again!

28/11/2021 T C

So much fun and so easy. Great bunch of adventurous women. Lots of laughs, great food and bubbles after. Loved it.

28/11/2021 Cheyenne Martin

Loved the water bikes easy to use & so much fun. Thanks to Yvonne for a yummy grazing platter & glass of bubbly after. Lovely group of AW ladies & enjoyed the experience

28/11/2021 Jill

28/11/2021 Linda L

A great introduction to using walking poles, and some very helpful tips about staying safe in the bush. I really enjoyed the morning.

20/11/2021 Felicity B

What a fabulous experience with a great bunch of gals! Had quite a few laughs and Yvonne's spread after we came back from our water bicycling was outstanding! Highly recommended if the opportunity presents itself again!

28/11/2021 T C

A fantastic and fun activity. Loved it

28/11/2021 Donelle C

I loved this activity; I was worried it would be hard work but the info provided at the beginning was easy to follow, the bikes incredibly stable and so easy to push, no real effort involved. The food presented by Yvonne was simple but appreciated and she did a great job as tour guide.

28/11/2021 Susan H

What a wonderful way to spend time on our beautiful Swan River and with such an amazing group 💝 My 1st time with Adventurous Women and will not be my last. Gee I enjoyed it! Thank you for the welcome 👌🤗♥️

28/11/2021 Karen M